Rotec is an engineering company specialized in advanced robotics for industrial and non-industrial applications with a main focus in developing robotic fuelling systems. Rotec is happy to be your partner in the design and development of engineering projects. Our robots are equipped with vision technology that allow us to perform complex tasks that require hand-eye coordination. Rotec is a pioneer in this field.
It always starts with an idea
Products | We proudly show a selection of our products.
Robotic Fuelling System (RFS)
Robotic fuelling system for haul trucks, mining vehicles, trains and AGVs in extreme conditions and dirty environments.
LNG Autonomous Fuelling System
Autonomous robotic fuelling system developed by Rotec and sponsored by the European Union to promote the introduction of LNG as a sustainable and cleaner fuel alternative for trucks.
About us | Rotec, how we work and what can you expect from us.
Development of Engineering Projects and Prototypes
We design innovative and leading products and solutions based on your idea or wish. Both our developers and our engineers have extensive technological expertise in the field of robotics and 3D vision technology.
Fully & Semi-Autonomous Fuelling Systems
Rotec’s robotic systems are capable to work in a semi-autonomous way, with human guidance or in a fully autonomous manner without any type of assistance .
Industrial Robots
Rotec is a pioneer in the use of industrial robots for fuelling applications and systems open to the public capable to work safely with human presence.
Vision Systems
The use of vision systems for robotic applications is Rotec specialty since our foundation in 1996. We create and develop our own solutions for our projects and prototypes, however we can also develop new vision solutions for third parties and preexisting projects.
Mining Industry
Rotec makes robotic applications for the mining industry. For more than five years we have developed the Robotic Fuelling System RFS for heavy vehicles, that is currently being used all around the world.
Feasibility Studies
We can perform preliminary studies and simulations for our customers in order to determine how technically feasible a project can be, before you proceeding with an investment.
Contact | If you are interested in one of our product and / or services, please contact us